Monday, March 22, 2010


Why in the 21st century do we have people too poor to stay alive? (Sachs)

What is poverty?

To develop an understanding of poverty read the article by philosopher Peter Singer

When is enough enough?

" "Extreme poverty can be ended, not in the time of our grandchildren, but our time." Thus forecasts Jeffrey D. Sachs, whose twenty-five years of experience observing the world from many vantage points has helped him shed light on the most vital issues facing our planet: the causes of poverty, the role of rich-country policies, and the very real possibilities for a poverty-free future. Deemed "the most important economist in the world" by The New York Times Magazine and "the world's best-known economist" by Time magazine, Sachs brings his considerable expertise to bear in the landmark The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time, his highly anticipated blueprint for world-wide economic success — a goal, he argues, we can reach in a mere twenty years.' (Earth Institute News Archive).

Watch the first five minutes of the interview with David Frost. What are the problems? What solutions does Sachs offer? You will need to make notes as these may become part of your blog reflection later.

Watch the clips below with Jeffrey Sachs and Angeline Jolie:


Image: 1996 Ladakh, India:

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