Friday, May 14, 2010


After playing Ayiti the Game of Life and reading the UN Child Alert Haiti report on the state of children in Haiti (2006), now read and summarize the news articles from BBC Haiti Country profile to write a report on the state of Haiti's children after the earth quake.Use the articles, video clips and photo essays from CBC and BBC to compile your evidence.
What rights are being denied to them?
What action is being taken to address this?

Look at the interactive map before and after the earthquake showing the growth of the tent cities:
Photo Essays:

New York Times photo essay on orphanages here:

Interactive photo of the Foyer of Patience orphanage where the same room in the classroom becomes the place where the children sleep on makeshift bedding.

Related Videos:
the Lost Children of Haiti:

Watch CBS News Videos Online

and another YOU TUBE community version:

Listen to Anderson Cooper interviewing Sean Penn with Dr. Sanje Gupta about the health crisis and aid difficulties in Haiti right now.Read about diptheria here:

Watch another report on the difficulties of aid reaching the people who need it and the levels of corruption preventing this.( Feb 2010 Al Jazeera)

For more background on Haiti and the views on rebuilding Haiti watch the documentary: Fault Lines from Al Jazeera (Feb. 2010)

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